“Silence mode” in the ATO: militants has recorded 12 attacks

Since the beginning of the day 1 April as of 12:00 in the area of ATO recorded 12 attacks by militants.
Thus, they violated the established regime of silence, at the same time, the Ukrainian military APU fire in response did not open. This was stated by the speaker of the Ministry of defense of the ATO Andrei Lysenko.
See also:
Russia is preparing for the intensification of hostilities in the Donbass — Muzhenko
Lysenko also confirmed the information about the injury and injuries over the last day, March 31, 10 Ukrainian soldiers.
“Two of them were soldiers of the national guard of Ukraine, the others — from the APU,” — said Lysenko.
The speaker also noted that one of the national guard soldiers were injured during the shelling of Shirokino, another was undermined on an explosive device in Sizebolu.
We will remind, on 29 March in Minsk the Trilateral contact group agreed on full compliance with the cease-fire regime in ATO area in the Donbas since April 1. Then the Ministry of defence of Ukraine declared that is ready to carry out the agreement, and on 30 March the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko instructed the General staff of the Armed forces of Ukraine and the Ministry of defense ceasefire.
As reported in the headquarters of ATO, from 00:00 silence regime on the Ukrainian side started without any changes. However, the fire was opened by fighters, by the morning of April 1, 10 attacks. Meanwhile, media reported that gunmen from their side, the regime of silence began also with nights first.