The income of more than UAH 2 million, auto Mercedes S and more than $ 1 million savings: declared that Yatsenyuk

Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk earned for the year 2016 2 883 223 UAH.
That is the amount Yatsenyuk has declared this year as the press service of the former Prime Minister.
“The total amount of own income of Arseniy Yatsenyuk for the year 2016 was 2,223 883 USD. This amount includes the salary for tenure (117 598 USD), interest on Bank deposits: 5 201 the hryvnia in the “Oshchadbank”, 37 252 UAH in “Raiffeisen Bank Aval”, 1 463 832 UAH, JSC “Fortuna-Bank” and also income from providing property to rent 600 000 UAH”, — stated in the message.
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However specified, and the income of the wife Yatsenyuk Theresa. So, for 2016 he was 1 757 396 UAH. It consists of income from business activities (1 076 210 hryvnia) and interest on Bank deposits (320 547 UAH, PJSC “international investment Bank”).
The Declaration States war bonds in the amount 100 192 hryvnia, which Arseniy Yatsenyuk was acquired in 2014.
According to the report, Yatsenyuk and members of his family do not have real estate of offshore companies and accounts in foreign banks and any other assets not specified in the Declaration.
In the ownership of Arseniy Yatsenyuk is also Mercedes S 2010 release. And the property of the wife — Range Rover 2012 model year. Yatsenyuk also noted that on loan uses the car Toyota Sequoia 2010 model year.
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Meanwhile, the Declaration contains a property, which Yatsenyuk owned before.
As for savings, the amount of funds in Bank accounts Arseny Yatsenyuk is: 500 000 USD in “Oshchadbank” 64 703 USD in PJSC “Raiffeisen Bank Aval”, 3 578 885 UAH, PJSC “Bank Forum”, 486 909 USD in JSC “Fortuna-Bank”, 590 147 UAH PJSC “Fortuna-Bank”. All funds placed on accounts in troubled banks remained in these financial institutions.
The contributions to the authorized capital of the company with additional liability “Chernivtsi plant of reinforced concrete products and structures” – 24 975 UAH (6,05% of the total capital).
Yatsenyuk has declared UAH 300 000 and 475 000 USD in cash. His wife is 130 thousand UAH and 180 thousand euros.
Recall, Yatsenyuk in 2015 received the income in 1 million 966 thousand hryvnia 333, among which 81 721 thousand UAH – wages, 1 million 240 thousand hryvnias 383 – interest on Bank deposits and income from the lease of immovable property is 600 thousand hryvnias. Another 44 thousand UAH 229 Prime Minister received the replacement warranty. We will note, then, it was Mercedes’s 2010 release.