Ex-MP Yefremov brought abroad millions of dollars, the FBI

Ex-MP and ally of Viktor Yanukovych, Olexander Yefremov, being at the head of the Luhansk regional state administration transferred millions of dollars to accounts controlled foreign companies.
This information was received Prosecutor General of Ukraine from the Federal Bureau of investigation United States in the framework of international cooperation, said in the text of the decision of Pechersky regional court of Kiev from March 16, reports the Commander in chief.
It is noted that the transfer of funds was carried out through ukrkommunbank, the formal owner of which was one of the Vice-Ephraim. At the same time, as reported by the media, the control of the Bank belonged to Ephraim.
See also:
The court found unreasonable suspicion and, accordingly, the detention of Ephraim – the lawyer
In the text of the resolution also stated that Efremov has facilitated the creation and activities of the terrorist organization “LNR”, also suspected his close associates.
For further investigation of the case, the court granted the investigators permission to access documents related to Ukrkomunbank.
We will remind, earlier the court has satisfied the petition of the prosecution to extend the period of detention ex-the head of fraction of Party of regions Oleksandr Yefremov until April 28, 2017.
It is worth noting that the GPU accuses Ephraim of committing a number of crimes, namely treason, committing a deliberate action to change the borders of the territory and the state border of Ukraine in violation of the order established by the Constitution of Ukraine, committed by a person who is a representative of the authorities, on preliminary arrangement by group of persons, which led to serious consequences, organizational and other assistance in the establishment and activities of the terrorist organization “LNR”, the organization of capture of the building, which ensures the operation of state authorities of Luhansk regional state administration), and aiding in the capture of the building which provides the activity of bodies of state power of USBU in the Luhansk region.