“I had a deuce to put”. Korczak left the answer to the question about his resignation

Chairman of the parliamentary faction of the party “national front” during the session of the Verkhovna Rada asked the head of NACP Natalia Korchak, if she retires from his post.
Bourbaki remembered that Korczak taught him during studying at the University. Now, according to the MP, due to malfunction of the website of electronic declarations to thousands of officials could face criminal liability.
See also:
“For work”. Korczak in Parliament admitted that he had written a prize in 200 thousand hryvnia
“Ms. Natalia. At the law faculty of Chernivtsi national University, where you taught me too, we were taught responsibility, and the inevitability for their official actions. (…) Even after the first wave of e-Declaration, when the server went down, we gave you the benefit of the doubt. Now, this reaction not only of the Parliament. Know how you “love” 3 thousands of officials whom you put under criminal liability for late submission of the Declaration. I have a question: do you have the courage to write a statement and resign,” he said.
According to Bourbaki, Korczak turned NACP from the body for the fight against corruption to the authority of “collective inaction”.
“I am very pleased, as they say, to reconnect with one of my students. Therefore, probably had two to put in the training… say it again, the life that tied around… why don’t you listen?”, she said
Subsequently, Korczak began again to call for an independent audit and did not give a clear answer whether she would resign.
As previously reported, the head of the NACP Natalia Korchak was summoned to a meeting of the Parliamentto report on their work.
The national Agency has been widely criticized as inappropriate operation of the registry for declarations that at the end of the deadline for reporting was not working for several days. On the eve of the deadline, April 1, when should be registered with all the electronic declarations of officials, the system again failed. Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman called on the head of the NACP Natalia Korchak and other members of the Agency to resign. in turn, Korczak declared that is not going to resign.