Passions in Kiev: a regional administration for drivers of minibuses pushed the police and the National guard

One hundred and fifty buses a day was besieged by the Kiev regional administration. Truckers demanded from the authorities to restore order distribution routes and to expel illegal operators, according to a story TSN.16:45.
The drivers brought several dozen of tires, which made up the middle of the square. “While not broken, will start to burn – let’s start another way to talk to them, we warned them,” explained police own Supervisory position. Meanwhile, the meeting passed a resolution with disbelief to the first Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv regional state administration Oleksandr Savchenko. After hours of ignoring action on the part of power companies, the activists began setting up tents – because of this scuffle with the police. To a real fight is not reached, a small group of militiamen pushed aside. The same fate befell two dozen national guardsmen. “Governor, the people, the Governor, to the people!” chanted auto carriers at the entrance.
The head of regional state administration Oleksandr Gorgan, though, and was on sick leave, came and explained that from time to time routes are selected in accordance with the decisions of the courts, and the management infrastructure complies with the direct action – officials have no alternative behaviors. “Consequently, nobody in manual mode, the routes do not share”, – he told. The Governor also promised that he will shortly meet the new competition Commission, which will work transparently with the carriers, but the beneficiaries do have a problem, they are difficult to count in this area, corruption is rampant. Officials are preparing to implement in the field of social identity, something like “card of a Kyiv citizen” – and then, perhaps, everything will fall into place.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Country