Who is the richest Minister in Ukraine and the officials surprise in their declarations

The richest in total income 2016 members of the government headed by Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman, the Minister of justice Pavel Petrenko, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of regional development and housing and communal services Gennadiy Zubko and Minister of energy Igor Nasalik. All four are millionaires.
Groisman noted record income 893 393 15 hryvnias, the income of the premiere compared to last year rose 14 406 083 UAH.
See also:
Salary trailer “Bee” and almost a million UAH from the factory. Declared that Zubko
This year Pavel Petrenko declared 2 563 077 UAH 1 244 897 UAH less than in 2015. Gennadiy Zubko – 1 432 355 UAH, Igor Nasalik – 1 218 050 UAH. They earned more on 444 343 and 807 436 UAH UAH UAH respectively.
The full ranking of the richest and the poorest Ukrainian Ministers see this link.
Electronic declarations can show how Ukrainian powerful people trust or do not trust the national currency, the hryvnia. So, most of the local currency in cash trusts lover of watches Richard Mille and Franc vila Cobrа Igor Nasalik. In his hands he holds 1.4 million UAH. Leader he was in 2015 when declared UAH 4.7 million on hand. The Nasalik keeps the hryvnia in banks, however, the currency has both on hand and on accounts.
Also in the first five Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Kistion, the Minister of agrarian policy Taras Kutovoy, the Deputy Prime Minister Pavlo Rozenko and the first Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of economic development, Stepan Kubiv.
See also:
More than half a million hryvnias of income, the car and the icon. That has declared Finance Minister danyluk
Less they keep the hryvnia Minister sotspolitiki Andrey Reva — 368 thousand UAH, the Minister of defence Stepan Poltorak, Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman — 308 thousand UAH, the Minister of justice Pavel Petrenko — 100 thousand UAH, the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers Oleksandr Sayenko — 26 thousand UAH, and the head of internal Affairs Arsen Avakov – a total of 15 thousand UAH.
See the full rankings of the Cabinet of Ministers on the volume of funds on hand and on Bank accounts at this link.
What we have found in the electronic declarations of Ministers. Despite the fact that Groysman has significantly improved its financial position, he did not rush to purchase a new car, but he had two new land in Vinnytsia region. As for the unusual expenditures in e-Declaration Groysman specified flight “Kiev—NY—Kiev” cost 232 253 UAH.
E-the Declaration of the interior Minister Arsen Avakov, since last year was memorable for numerous collections of paintings, wines, chess, records, coins and stamps, as well as a list of coats, written on Avakov’s wife Inna, jewelry and even black diamond 4.85 BLK DEA.
See also:
The salary of a Minister and the wife’s shares in 4 companies. Declared that Blackie
This year Ukraine was surprised by the two companies in Cyprus (the Minister is also the ultimate beneficial owner of the LLC Ulisse Management Limited and LLC Fontana Management Limited), a considerable savings in banks in the national currency and maintenance of cash into a new (Ministerial declarations) currencies — the canadian dollar and the Japanese yen.
Special attention in the e-Declaration, the heads of the interior Ministry attracts enough clear the copyright from 2015. In its description stated the following: “a Script in the form of BACKPACKS, with newspaper clippings: a Sad story about the Deputy capsules.anterograde, which, together with Levochkin and Stolyarova, Russia earns money by false (value of 2 billion rubles, or UAH 1)”. Also in the Declaration it is specified that the value of the asset at the time of occurrence — 1 UAH.
See also:
Apartments, cars and money. Declared that stets
Among the most interesting returns for 2016 can be noted e-document the acting Minister of health Ulyana Suprun. The fact that last year she managed to enter the top 20 of Ministers with the greatest income — 174 229 UAH. But in the ranking of 2016 Suprun moved, once the three “outsiders”, while its revenue rose to 303 898 UAH.
Incidentally, the Minister of health this year, the leader in holding accounts of $ 4 341 $ 383. (including General funds). Also in the accounts Suprun saves 168 767 UAH. As for cash, it is the head of the Ministry of health generally does not hold — either in local currency or in foreign currency.
See also:
NAPC began checking declarations Poroshenko, Groisman and Ministers
It is also interesting that the only Suprun, one of the Ministers has abroad retirement account — UBS Financial Services — more than 470 thousand dollars. The head of the Ministry of health has insured his life in the company abroad — William Penn Life Insurance.
More interesting in the electronic declarations of officials read at this link.