In Zhytomyr residents and city hall fighting the city because of the extortionate charges counters

Zhytomir citizens rebelled against the house of gas meters. They say that with their appearance amount in the payment for the consumed gas has increased threefold and even fivefold, according to a story TSN.16:45.
The gas companies claim that now people pay for the real consumption. But those who have installed individual meters, have found their real consumption is seven times less than the accrual the local monopoly.
In a nine-count on gas appeared at the end of last year. Since then, residents see a large monthly sum for the gas in their bills.
Oleg Shevchuk lives in a one bedroom apartment with my parents. From gas appliances only stove. Previously, for 21 cubic meter of gas per month he was paying no more than 150 UAH. With the advent of house counter he counted 65 cubic meters of gas, and the amount increased to five hundred. A neighbor of Mr. Hope sure I could make soup for 400 USD.
“Zhitomirgaz” assure that the counters show the real gas, so the amount in the payment and raised. The total number of cubes used by the inhabitants of the house divided equally on all the prescription.
“Why is it more because the entire amount of gas used by consumers at home, it is divided evenly by the number of prescribed persons. And the meter reflects actual consumption”, – says the expert on public relations of PJSC “zhitomirgaz” Elena Mitsura.