Members of “Theophany”: “the aura of bureaucratic cronyism” and “outdated Soviet luxury”

The budget of the state hospital for the officials, deputies and other officials is growing every year: in 2015, the year in “Feofaniya” the country has allocated almost 200 million hryvnias, last year 227, and this year, as many as 364 million. Journalists tried to find out how long Ukrainians will Fund sophisticated medical service for officials, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The people’s Deputy Vadim Novinsky admits he does not know how much money is allocated to the “Feofaniya”, and suggests that it is necessary for the recovery of officials of the Executive authorities, who have to work a lot of stress. His colleague Teteruk also not delved into the numbers, but opposes stopping the financing of deputies at the expense of the state. “You don’t have to create a situation that we will not Fund the deputies. We do not Fund the budget – there is someone who will Finance”, – he explained.
“Bohoslovska told me: never in any case not treated in “Feofaniya”. I’m on a mission Inna Bohoslovska,” – confessed Alexey Skripnik. His colleague Pashinsky advocates that the hospital should be open for all Ukrainians. Other MPs are not very friendly attitude to questions: Berezenko advised correctly to formulate them, because they allegedly insulted his parliamentary dignity and Chornovol said that journalists should further explore the issue, because “in fact “she” treats of the Volunteers”. MP Mosiychuk was admitted and receives medical services that the “outdated Soviet luxury”, and Igor Lutsenko said that the hospital “kind of aura chinovnikov cronyism, elitism is really unhealthy,” so he “Feofania” is not. However, is it possible to stop its funding – none of the deputies have not said.
The TSN reporter Daria Happy