The British, during sex, in half broke penis

37-year-old Stephen Jordi of Kent, in the UK, broke in half penis during sex with his girlfriend Kira Diss. It is reported by the Ladbible.
Stephen was immediately taken to the hospital with a bloody and curved penis. He was in hospital for four days. The man inserted into the sexual organ of a catheter. In addition, he was forced to spend the circumcision.
See also:
Pornographic film actor left a lucrative industry due to the impact of work on his penis
Man wants to be a father and now he is worried whether to have children. Now doctors do not give any guarantees.
Stephen is also impossible to have sex in the next 6 weeks.
His girlfriend is shocked at what happened, and partially blames himself. Now she is constantly next to the guy and said that maybe it was a sign that they should not have children.
We will remind, earlier in Dublin firefighters rescued a man from strangulation of the penis thanks to a grinding machine.