The decision of the European Parliament is much wider than travel. Full text of the letter Poroshenko to the Ukrainians

The European Parliament voted for granting Ukrainian citizens the right of visa-free travel to EU countries. Powerful support in this matter, we had the vast majority of political forces, except for a marginal Pro-Russian, Pro-Putin parties. Five hundred twenty one member strongly expressed its full support for Ukraine.
This is stated in the address of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to the Ukrainian people.
“Bezviz” will have considerable practical importance for many citizens. Almost three million Ukrainians have already received or are now receiving the biometric passports required for visa-free travel. Only for the year 2016 Ukrainians over 15 million times crossed the state border with the countries of the European Union. Of course, the government and all the authorities must work hard to ensure that the number of citizens that can afford a trip to Europe, from year to year grew.
But the decision of the European Parliament is much wider than free travel and freedom of movement. This is even more the pride of Ukrainian citizenship and the attractiveness of Ukrainian passports. It is a symbol of Ukraine’s belonging to a common European civilizational space. It is a striking token of the fact that Ukraine – part of United Europe, from Lisbon to Kharkov, and we share common values. It is evidence of the correctness of our strategic European choice, success and irreversibility of our course for integration to Europe. And finally, today’s vote is recognition the European Parliament, the depth of our reforms.
“Let me remind you that our plan of action for achieving the criteria necessary for visa liberalization, consisted of a hundred and fifty points. And they are all done! Innovations such as e-Declaration of state powers, the establishment of new and reform of old anti-corruption bodies, have become possible thanks to the implementation of this plan. When as the Minister of foreign Affairs, I began to fight for a visa-free regime honestly had no idea how long and difficult will be this way. Can’t say that it was easy and simple job, but every day for almost eight years I felt and feel personally responsible for the success of this project. Deeply grateful to the President of the European Parliament, rapporteurs of the European Parliament on the Ukrainian question, of the delegation for relations with Ukraine, in the group “Friends of Ukraine in the European Parliament” and all the MEPs for their personal efforts to implement important for every Ukrainian goal.
I thank the Ukrainian diplomats, MPs, and public organizations, who together with me have moved this process. Bow down to the glorious Ukrainian soldiers in the fight with the Russian aggressor to protect not only the territorial integrity and European choice of Ukraine, but also the whole system of values of the Old World. I sincerely congratulate all on the successful vote in the European Parliament,” the President said.
“Now the word of the Council of the European Union. Its positive decision we expect in the coming weeks. In constant contact with leaders of European countries are working to make this happen as quickly as possible.
Glory to United Europe! Glory To Ukraine!”, – concluded the head of the Ukrainian state.
See also:
Bezviz for Ukraine: European Parliament decision removes artificial barriers – Ministry of foreign Affairs
We will remind, during a meeting of the European Parliament in Strasbourg MEPs voted in favor of granting citizens of Ukraine the right to enter the EU without visas. For a decision voted 521 MEP, against 75, 36 deputies abstained.
On the eve till late in the evening continued the debate about bezveza – officials acknowledged that the Ukrainians fulfilled all the requirements to get the opportunity to travel to the EU freely.
Visa-free regime does not give the right to live or work permanently in the EU. It is valid only for short trips. Also to travel to Europe without a visa, you need to have the passport of the new sample — with the biometric chip.