Bezveza with the European Union Ukraine had to wait two months. Schedule of voting

The European Parliament Thursday, April 6, voted to grant visa-free regime for Ukraine, that is, the abolition of Schengen visas.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.Week.
Went to this long 11 years. On the simplification of the visa regime began to say in the days of Yushchenko’s presidency. In the fall of 2013, when Yanukovych betrayed the European dream of the Ukrainians and did not sign in Vilnius the Association Agreement, – gathered in the capital Euromaidan. Before spring of 2016 Ukraine has fulfilled more than 140 EU requirements.
The current vote is actually the reward for the beginning of reforms. A signal that Ukraine on its European path – as discussed in the European Parliament. And even thanked the Ukrainians in the determination and willingness to wait. Although this is not the last stage introducing bizwise. There are several votes, bizviz must be approved by the Council of the EU.
1. After the EU – 26 APR.
2. The EU Council – may 11.
3. Signing tentatively on may 15.
4. Publication is tentatively may 22.
5. The beginning of the work bezveza – roughly 11 June.
Meanwhile, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin told how and when will the procedure bezveza with the EU for Ukrainians.