Ukrainian MPs have shared their views about the supplements myself for the intensity of work

Ukrainian deputies say they don’t know about that part of their salary includes allowance for the intensity of work. Regarding actually such intensity of people’s deputies came to a common opinion, says the story TSN.19:30.
MP Hryniv says she has no idea that the VR has allocated for the year of 2.25 million that went directly into the pockets of the Deputy. Denied the receipt of allowances and Melnychuk. “Yes, I think it is insignificant”, – said Pavlenko. To clarify, that is 5 thousand UAH to pay, said one-time or every month. And also admitted that he did not even know if he credited the money and for what. “The first time I hear,” says the MP and Chernenko, but new information happy. “It’s fine” – he commented the existence of the allowance.
“I don’t know what was going on. I allowances are not received,” – responded to the question the Deputy Leshchenko. Did not deny the existence of allowances Cermakova, but added that “there are some penny”. The question we need MPs to pay extra for the intensity, replied: “I think MPs need to add mind.” Chornovil believes that it has the full right to a premium, because it works intensively. But Moore held the opposite views. “More parasites than MPs, no. March worked six working days,” he said.
The TSN reporter Daria Happy