Farewell speech Gontareva before retiring. The main theses of performances

Today, April 10, head of the National Bank of Ukraine Valeria Gontareva at a press conference said that he submitted a letter of resignation may 10, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Says he can retire earlier if this decision will agree the Verkhovna Rada. Assured that her team will continue to work in the national Bank. Who will be the next head of the NBU is still unknown.
The main theses of the speech of Valeria Gontareva:
“As promised, I inform you about my resignation in advance – a month. I have always said that I would not work in the National Bank period of seven years. I have always been very naive when he said that we can do in one year. If the nationalization of “PrivatBank” we would have done in December last year, and, for example, in early 2016, I could go earlier, because the reform made. Mission accomplished. I consider my mission fully accomplished, so don’t need to hear any more insinuations. They are not there. Our team, our team knew about it.”
“Not going to happen changes in the policies of the Central Bank. The immutability of the chosen path – the key to the success of our country and support of our international partners. The national Bank will continue consistent implementation of the policy that you saw in the course of my presidency”.
“My mission is complete. First, the country moved to a flexible exchange rate and the beginning of a new monetary policy inflation targeting. Secondly, cleared the banking system from insolvent banks hard and its sustainability for the future. Thirdly, completely transformed national Bank, rebuilt all the processes and now our Central Bank is a powerful modern institution”.
“I’m sure that for the entire financial system for its further growth, continuity is very important and the preservation policy of the Central Bank. National Bank out of politics. This is the norm and standard for all developed countries, which wants to become Ukraine. The Central Bank must remain independent.”
“With regard to the investigation of offences related to failure to return to the National Bank refinancing insolvent banks, we have repeatedly appealed to law enforcement agencies and expect a full and impartial investigation of all these Affairs”, – said Gontareva.
Loans that banks will not return to the NBU, issued since 2008.
“They were provided without adequate collateral, and fixed assets are too high at times cost. These banks have been liquidated or are in liquidation. Loans extended by our team to banks was provided only in compensation for the outflow of funds of natural persons in the framework of guaranteed amount of 200 thousand UAH for the payment of which tracked the curator of the NBU. That is why my team may be held accountable for every national currency issued by refinancing during this time. Any insinuation to withdraw money abroad while working our team have no reason. Now we look to the future with positivity “, – assured the head of the NBU.
Banks that the national Bank declared insolvent, should the regulator 45.2 billion UAH of refinancing loans. Gontareva has listed the largest debtors: “Nadra” – 9.8 billion UAH (owned by Firtash), Delta – 8 billion UAH (lahun), “Financial initiative” and “VABank”, and 7.2 billion and 3 billion respectively (Oleg bakhmatyuk), “Finance and Credit” – 6.3 billion UAH (Konstantin Zhevago), “Imeksbank” – 3,4 billion UAH (Leonid Klimov).
The international monetary Fund daily and monitors the international reserves of the national Bank, and every year the figures are confirmed by international audit.
“Therefore, unauthorized use of the reserves can not be, and all insinuations on this subject are senseless”, – said Gontareva.
Ukraine pledged to the IMF to protect the Ukrainian “daughter” of Russian banks from illegal activities.
“Everything has to be legal way”, – said Gontareva.
Documents on the sale of units of the Russian Sberbank in Ukraine , the NBU has not yet been reported. Official confirmation the regulator can obtain this week.
“The President said three months ago that I see a possible candidate (for the position of head of NBU). So today we will have no speculation on my part. I recommendations provided. I have already suggested to the President several candidates for his possible successor. This decision of the President, which candidate he will submit to the Verkhovna Rada. Let’s wait for his decision. I hope it will be soon”.
“You know, if all public authorities have carried out reforms like the national Bank, now our country would be on absolutely other qualitative level of development.”
“Now it is hard for me to even think about a new job. The negative, which was against me the last three years, it is necessary as-that to survive. I want the next few months to spend with his family. And then, maybe, I’ll decide what I’m going to do“.
Recall that Gontareva became the head of the NBU on 19 June 2014. She is also the Manager of Ukraine in the International monetary Fund, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of German-Ukrainian Fund, the Chairman of the Board of corporate non-state pension Fund of the National Bank of Ukraine.