In Kiev patrol stopped a drunken employee of the Russian Consulate

In Kiev, a patrol stopped a car with Russian diplomatic plates, at the wheel which was the drunk driver, says the story TSN.Ranok.
So, the police were called by passersby who saw him as he sat behind the wheel. After a stop, the driver immediately called an employee of the Russian Consulate. Together they at first did not understand Ukrainian, which was used by the patrol, and then assured that the driver could not drink alcohol, because now the post and get drunk on palm Sunday – a great sin.
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In the Lviv region due to the collision of a truck and a bus hit 5 people, the driver of the truck left the scene of an accident
However, when the patrol offered to take the Alcotest the driver refused. It made adminprotokol, which was transferred to the Ministry of foreign Affairs. A car with diplomatic plates came to take at the end another employee of the Russian Consulate.
We will remind, earlier in Ivano-Frankivsk drunk woman in a car was hit by a patrol and an accident and fled the scene.