In Novoazovsk between local militants and mercenaries from Chechnya escalates the conflict

In the town of Novoazovsk, which is under the control of “DNR”, escalates the conflict between the local militants from the “9th omsp MP” and arrived to enhance the units in Mariupol direction mercenaries from Chechnya.
About this on his page in Facebook wrote MP, the coordinator of group “Information resistance” Dmitry Tymchuk.
“Employees of the state traffic Inspectorate recorded several clashes between the conflicting parties with the use of physical force,” he said.
According to Tymchuk, the conflict arose because of a leak of information regarding remuneration, which the Chechens will receive on a monthly basis, taking part in hostilities.
“The outrage of local militants sparked rumors that Chechen mercenaries would receive compensation in the range of 80 thousand rubles, then, as local militants receive about 15 thousand rubles”, – he stressed.
We will remind, earlier near the city of Shakhtarsk of the militants had “military training” that ended in a shooting and stabbingat least three militants were killed and five others were wounded. Holding such “charges” was only propaganda.