The tripartite contact group agreed about the “Easter” cease-fire in the Donbass

The trilateral contact group agreed on ceasefire in the Donbass at the time of the Easter holidays.
About this on his page in Facebook wrote press Secretary of the Ukrainian representative in the Tripartite contact group Darka olifer.
“The trilateral contact group reaffirmed its commitment to the decision of 29 March 2017 on the implementation of previous commitments to fully comply with the ceasefire regime on the eve of the Easter holidays,” she said.
According to her, should develop a mechanism for the prevention and effective control over violations of the ceasefire and incidents involving personnel and equipment of SMM of the OSCE.
It is noted that according to the Minsk agreements Ukraine has withdrawn all heavy weapons from the line of collision.
“A complete cease-fire, the withdrawal of Russian forces weapons and only then can you move on to political issues,” – said in the group.
See also:
The trilateral contact group made an unscheduled talks over the situation in the Donbass
We will remind, on 29 March in Minsk have once again agreed on the complete ceasefire in the Donbas. Then the Trilateral contact group (TAG) agreed to full compliance with the cease-fire regime in ATO area in the Donbas from April 1. Also from April 1 to memorial day, I want to introduce an accelerated procedure of crossing the line of contact KPVV and extend their work in the morning and evening.