Russia has blocked a draft resolution of the UN security Council because of himataki in Syria

Russia blocked a draft resolution on the chemical attack in Syria, which has contributed to the UN security Council Britain, USA and France. They blamed the incident on the Syrian government.
About it reports RBC.
Russia used its right of veto and blocked a UN security Council draft resolution, US, UK and France on alleged chemical attack in Syria. The document was supported by 10 members of the security Council.
In addition to Russia, against the resolution voted Bolivia. China, Ethiopia and Kazakhstan abstained from voting.
See also:
Russia needs to stop covering the crimes of the Assad – Russia’s permanent representative to the UN
We will remind, on April 11, France, UK and USA presented to the UN a new resolution on the chemical attack in Syria.
As you know, April 4, in the Syrian town of Khan Sheyhun, in the province of Idlib, was a gas attack: among the dozens of the dead are children. According to the latest figures, killed about 100 people, including many children, about 500 of the affected.
In the Russian defense Ministry said that the chemical attack in Syria in Khan Sheyhun arose because of a gas leak in the warehouses of the Syrian rebels after they were fired by the aircraft of the Syrian government.
In response to the chemical attack was made by a US airstrike on an air base in Syria.
Health Minister Recep Akdag stated that the examination proved the use of sarin gas chemical attack.
But the White house has accused Russia of concealing the involvement of the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad in committing the chemical attack .