How much RF “flies” Donbass food and communal media

From April 25, “LC” lives at the expense of Russian electricity and nothing for it does not pay — the Ukrainian energy supplies have stopped because of multimillion-dollar debts.
The RF provides a “Republic and how much it costs, – writes “Medusa”.
Russian customs have registered a growth in export of goods to Ukraine, even in those categories, which officially came under the Kiev embargo from the beginning of 2016. Practically, this means increasing foreign trade with the “DNR” and “LNR”. “Republic” have become the largest foreign consumers of Russian beer and meat. But it is difficult to estimate the amount of food supplies to the Donbass difficult.
But the FCS reported that embargoed Kiev categories (meat, fish, candy, processed cheese, baby food, tea, coffee, beer, vodka, and others) for 2016 Russia exported had occupied Donbass of goods at $ 222 million. The help of Russia can not be considered gratuitous, because of the goods the inhabitants of “republics” to pay in stores.
From February 2015, Kiev ceased to supply gas to the territory of “DNR” and “LNR”, and November in principle refused to Russian gas. This means that the whole sent since gas to Ukraine in fact appeared on the territory controlled by the militants. Only for 2016, “Gazprom” reported about the deliveries to the neighboring country of 2.4 billion cubic meters of gas. To pay for these supplies Kiev does not intend. As of summer 2016, Russia put on the Donbass gas to 719 million dollars.
Luhansk oblast owed for electricity 5.2 billion hryvnia ($195 million), of which about half of the debts of the regions controlled by the “LPR”. For that, 25 APR Kiev stopped supplying energy to boeoticum; at the same time to provide a “Republic” electricity to Russia started. According to various estimates, Russian consumers it will cost 2-4 billion annually. The sources of Kommersant reported that the costs will lay only on industrial consumers, and not on the population.
The issue with the outage in “DNR”, said in Kiev, “is not so acute”. All Donetsk region owes 5.8 billion hryvnia, but boevikami they only have 500 million (almost $ 19 million).
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