In “Gazprom” do not recognize the victory of “Naftogaz” in the gas dispute and wait for the “final” decision

Yesterday, may 31, the Tribunal of the Arbitration Institute of Stockholm chamber of Commerce has announced the first standalone solution in the dispute between “Naftogaz of Ukraine” and Russian “Gazprom” regarding the contract for the supply of gas to Ukraine from 2009.
“In particular, the Tribunal fully dismissed the claims of “Gazprom” concerning the application of the principle of “take or pay” and to satisfy the requirement of “Naftogaz” on the revision of contract prices with market conditions. Furthermore, the Tribunal was fully repealed the ban on re-export of gas, which was contained in the contract,” according to “Naftogaz”.
Instead, the Russian “Gazprom” the decision is called an interim and waiting for the final, which should appear before the end of June. About it writes “Interfax”.
“No decisions of the arbitration is repeated several times, the head of “Gazprom” Alexey Miller and refused to comment on the decision. I don’t know what says “Naftogaz”. When will the final decision, then we can comment. The final decision will be until the end of June.”
Deputy Chairman of the Board “Gazprom” Alexander Medvedev said that he had not seen the decision of the Stockholm arbitration.
“700 pages haven’t been read. But beforehand I will not say anything. This is a preliminary decision. But Kiev is celebrating? What victory? If in football a goal is not scored, but twice touched the ball – what’s that? Also a victory? In football, the victory brings goals, not short-term possession of the ball,” said Medvedev.
Naftogaz Of Ukraine
The head of “Gazprom” also commented about the fine, which the company imposed by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. There is information that Ukraine is allegedly in repayment of the fine will select Russian gas, going transit through Ukraine.
“Let them try”, – threateningly said Miller.
We will remind, the Antimonopoly Committee in January 2016 imposed on Gazprom the penalty at a rate of 85 billion 965 million 927 thousand UAH, because the Russian company abused a monopoly position in the market of natural gas transit by main pipelines on the territory of Ukraine for 2009-2015. To pay its Gazprom did not want to. AMC filed a lawsuit. Meanwhile, began to grow on the unpaid penalty Gazprom penalty, which eventually grown to the same amount as the fine (above the amount of the penalty, the penalty can not be). So, in essence, the penalty was doubled to nearly 172 billion. Forced to pay this amount, and also to stop violations of “Gazprom” requires the court. Ukraine has arrested 40,2% stake (owned by Gazprom) joint-stock company “Gaztranzit” (joint Ukrainian-Russian-Turkish venture to Russian gas supplies through Ukraine to Turkey). The reason Moscow does not want to pay the fine and penalty given to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and has been confirmed by several courts. Ukraine also opened the enforcement proceedings for the sum of 189 billion UAH 125 million, including the amount of the Executive fee of 17 billion 193 million.