“Transparency will be to cut firewood.” Poklonskaya said the information about a hidden apartment in Donetsk

The so-called Russian honorable Natalia Poklonskaya denied information about the presence of her undeclared apartments in Donetsk and threatened the Transparency International Deputy request to the Prosecutor.
She announced this to RBC.
“I will ask the Prosecutor General of Russia to check on the fact of the crimes committed. On the grounds of articles (Criminal code) 201 — abuse of authority by a person performing managerial functions in commercial purposes, 128.1 — slander, 137 — dissemination of information about private life without the consent of the person in respect of the minor child, 170 — the registration of illegal transactions with real estate,” she said.
According to her, already tonight all the necessary document, and then will prepare and will send tomorrow.
“Because it’s all I can comment on now is initiating inspections. And then Transparency International will really be doing to cut firewood,” said Poklonski.
See also:
Poklonskaya hinted yet of Transparency International’s work in the Kolyma
She stressed that “in Donetsk’s been in transit” and has nothing to do with any Dubrovskaya.
“I Poklonskaya. My own business, from the moment of birth, with birth certificates, and to the point (of care) of the General prosecution are the Prosecutor General of Ukraine. This is a certified document, and therefore what they are doing with these documents in Ukraine for political reasons, I don’t know,” she added.
According to Poklonski, she “decided to toss the apartment is 29 square meters.”
Recall organization in the fight against corruption Transparency International called on the illegitimacy of the state Duma of the Russian Federation to withdraw the mandate with the so-called Russian deputatka Natalia Polonskaya, if confirmed information about her nezadeklarovanoho apartment in occupied Donetsk.
The Russian branch of the fighters reported that the former “Prosecutor” of the Crimea is occupied by two service apartments, one Deputy in the Russian capital Moscow, and prosecutors in Simferopol, although it does not occupy this position.
The third apartment Poklonskaya 29.9 square meter of TI found in the Ukrainian state register of property rights. Was she Dubrovsky Natalya Vladimirovna (Dubrovskaya’s maiden name Polonskaya), who was born on the same day that Poklonski.