“Kyivenergo” has brought the police and the state emergency service in top 10 public institutions-debtors

“Kyivenergo” explains the lack of hot water in houses of inhabitants of the capital, large debts from consumers, including from public institutions.
“Kiev’s debt for heat of 1 June reached UAH 4.8 billion. Of these, 1.3 billion UAH – the debt for state incentives and subsidies, 790 million UAH are compensated the difference in rates over the past years”, – reads the statement of the enterprise.
In General, only public institutions are owed more than 80 million UAH, according to “Kyivenergo”. The company has published the top ten debtors, including medical, educational institutions and law enforcement agencies.
So most owed Kyiv national University.T.Shevchenko, followed by the national research center for radiation medicine national Academy of Sciences, Institute of Pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, national Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Institute of neurosurgery, the Vernadsky library, main police Department in Kyiv, the main Department of DSNs of the capital, the rest house “Koncha-Zaspa” that the office was the HOOD, housing and capital-operational management of the MOU.
“As a result, the company may not pay for the consumed heat to suppliers and transporters of gas. Debt “KYIVENERGO” before “Naftogaz of Ukraine” for the consumed gas for heat production has reached 3 billion, and the debt for the transportation of gas – 463 million UAH”, – noted in the “Kyivenergo”.
We will remind, in Kiev, the brewing energy crisis, in which residents of several Metropolitan residential areas (Obolon, Troyeshchyna, of the hem, Forestry and resurrection arrays) may 30 left without hot water. Hot water these arrays provides capital CHP-6, but her work had to stop due to the termination of gas supply. As explained in the “Kyivenergo”, it happened because of their debt to “Kievtransgaz” (owned by “Naftogaz of Ukraine”).
KSCA began negotiations with the Finnish company Fortum about a possible management energokomplekss Kiev instead of “Kyivenergo”.