In the Parliament visited four of the five MPs who face the removal of immunity

The procedural Committee of the Verkhovna Rada is preparing to assess the significance of the charges of the Prosecutor against the parliamentarians, kotoryj asked to remove his parliamentary immunity. For the consideration of such questions of law reserved 20 days, and the Committee promise not to procrastinate, says the story TSN.16:45.
Due to the approaching end of the current session of Parliament it is of particular importance. If the Committee actually pull quickly, the draft decision may be tabled for voting in the session hall in June. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the summer holidays and the beginning of the Parliament in the autumn.
Videopresenter go disturbing rumors about the following policies, which can take the General Prosecutor’s office
TSN. 16:45
Yesterday, 17:11
Meanwhile, four of the five suspects deputies on Thursday went to work. The exception was the representative of the “popular front” Eugene Dade. He, according to investigators, amassed in two years of a deputatstvo property at 6 million – four times more for the official income. Deidei walking meetings for a very long time and explains it to make the front. But it turns out that incomes are rising as he fights, the politician has not commented.
Refrained from comments and other interesting law enforcement, the people’s Deputy Oles Dovgy. The Statute of limitations of his case of illegal alienation of the city Council of protected areas of the island beetles expires this fall. Dovgy only briefly appeared in the hall and left, bypassing the crowded lobby. The representative “young team of Chernovetskiy” Sergey Berezenko about these deals with a loss of 81 million hryvnia could not remember. “I don’t remember exactly what it was. If I’m not mistaken, when I was 19 or 20 years,” he said, and asked reporters not to engage in provocations.