Turchynov gathered the security forces due to increased hybrid of Russian aggression

Secretary of the national security Council and defense of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov held a meeting with senior officials responsible for order and security of the state. The reason was, in particular, the murder of Kiev Maxim Shapoval.
Turchinov said that in recent months, there is a systematic escalation of subversive activities, “which implements the Russian Federation against Ukraine in the framework of hybrid aggression”. “Today, as a result of a terrorist act in Kiev was killed by one of the best Ukrainian military intelligence Maxim Shapoval, who took an active part in the defense of the Ukrainian state from a Russian invasion,” – said the NSDC Secretary.
See also:
Turchinov – the Russians: gone are the days of walking, you will come to the European country
As reported by his press service, Turchynov called the attack an identical scenario of the murder in March counterintelligence – Colonel Alexander Kharaberyush. “There is every reason to believe that these murders are planned and organized with the direct participation of Russian special services”, – said the head of the security Council.
In his opinion, the attack is meant to intimidate Ukrainians and to destabilize the situation in the state. Turchynov also drew attention to the fact that the crime coincided with a massive cyber attack, which, in the opinion of the Secretary of the NSDC, also has a Russian trace. According to the results of the meeting, given the high level of terrorist threat, a number of measures to strengthen counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence regime in Kiev and other regions of Ukraine. “I appeal to citizens with the request to be vigilant and to be sensitive to the adopted in the framework of the Ukrainian legislation with the security measures,” – said Turchinov.
Videosecrets NSDC Turchynov asks the Parliament to recognize the occupation
TSN. 19:30
13 Jun, 20:04