Today in Kiev partially block the traffic near the Boulevard of Friendship of peoples

In order to carry out capital repair of roadsin Kyiv on Boulevard of Friendship of peoples in the caves of the bridge partially limit from 1 July traffic.
This was reported in the “Kievavtodor.”
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“01.07.2017 begin work on the overhaul of the Boulevard of Friendship of Peoples, in this connection, in the area from vul. Bolsunovsky to the Pechersk bridge in the direction of movement to Lybidska square will be partially restricted traffic”, – stated in the message.
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the participants of the road! The traffic on the street of Friendship of peoples will be partially restricted! With 01.07.2017 telling…
Published the Municipal Corporation “kievavtodor” 29 June 2017.
Recall recently in Kiev to restrict the movement of heavy trucks due to the increase in air temperature. Restrictions are imposed from 10.00 to 22.00 for trucks weighing over 24 tons and axle load of more than 7 T.