Omeljan called for a visa regime with Russia and the “black list” on the border

The Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan advocated the introduction of a visa regime with Russia and the creation of “black lists”.
However, he did not believe that the Russians should completely ban entry to Ukraine. About Omeljan said the TV channel “112 Ukraine”.
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“Ukraine will pay a heavy price” in the Russian Federation commented on the statement by Turchynov regarding the crossing of the Russians for biometric passports
“I don’t think a complete ban on the entry makes sense (Russians in Ukraine – ed.). Definitely should introduce a visa regime. Definitely need to introduce greater control over movements in the border zone. Is the project “the Wall”. Should be “black lists”, of course. Moreover, they work already, and these measures should be strengthened, because the killers who arrive from the territory of Russia, of course, act on the instructions of Putin and on the instructions of the Russian government, but they penetrate into the territory of Ukraine. Therefore, this risk is extremely high,” said Omeljan.
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Turchinov announced the admission of Russians in Ukraine biometric passports
Earlier, the NSDC Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov has urged the Verkhovna Rada to adopt a decision on introduction of a visa regime with Russia before the parliamentary recess.
And the MP and adviser to the interior Minister Anton Gerashchenko said that the decision to introduce visa regime with Russia can be taken by the Ministry of foreign Affairs in coordination with the President of Ukraine and Parliament.