In three districts of Kiev turned off the hot water until 18 July

4 through July 18 terminated hot water supply to consumers of Pechersk, the Dnipro and Holoseievski district of the capital.
About it reports a press-service of “Kyivenergo”.
In particular, the hot water supply is temporarily discontinued for 558 homes, 31 hospitals, 21 kindergarten, 20 schools and 229 offices in the Pechersk district.
In the Dnieper area will remain without water 207 houses, 5 medical institutions, 16 kindergartens, 11 schools and 38 departments.
Meanwhile, in the Goloseevsky district hot water will not be 1 residential building and 9 departments.
See also:
With the city CHP-6 completely removed restrictions on obtaining gas, may soon have hot water
We will remind, in Kyiv raises tariffs for hot water. The national Commission carrying out regulation in the energy and utilities have increased the tariff for centralized hot water supply for “Kyivenergo” by 1.6% and reduced the heating rate of 0.2%.
Appropriate resolutions of the Board adopted at a regular meeting.
The new tariffs will enter into force on the day following the date of publication of the resolution in the official newspaper “Governmental courier”.
in Particular, the tariffs for “Kyivenergo” on service on the centralized supply of hot water is set at 84,45 UAH per cu. m with heated towel rail and 78,08 UAH per cu. m no of towel.
The video settings of the KSCA said, when should appear the hot water in the capital
TSN. Wounds
27 Jun, 09:40