The court took the son Pshonki 15 hectares of hunting grounds in the Kyiv region

In Kiev the Prosecutor’s office returned to the state of more than 15 hectares of hunting grounds, son of former Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka.
It is reported by the Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko on his page in facebook.
“On representation of Prosecutor’s office of Kiev region, the court ordered one of the hunting communities to return to state ownership of land-more than 15 thousand hectares on the territory of Fastiv district,” – said the Prosecutor General.
See also:
“Golden Prosecutor” Viktor Pshonka put gold rosette, raise goats and go into debt
By the public Prosecutor of the Kiev region court invalidated the contract on conditions of maintaining hunting economy, as well as…
Posted Yuriy Lutsenko of July 5, 2017
According to Lutsenko, the company received the hunting grounds of the gross violations of the statutory procedures for the termination of rights of previous user – SE “Fastiv forestry”, and in the absence of necessary approvals of all landowners and land users that are included within the boundaries of hunting grounds.
Recall that on 28 February 2017 the Prosecutor of the Kiev region in the appellate court defended the return to the state of hunting land with an area of over 15 thousand hectares of illegally loaned to the entourage of the former General Prosecutor Viktor Pshonka.
Videocomm now belong to hunting grounds of Yanukovych and Pshonka
October 4, 2016, 09:32