Vilkul suspected of illicit enrichment and failure to pay nearly 20 million UAH of taxes

Fiscal service in Dnepropetrovsk oblast providel the test of a controversial MP of the Opposition bloc Alexander Vilkul concerning accuracy, completeness of accrual and payment of tax on income of natural persons and military duty.
It is reported by the acting head of the Department Oksana tomtchuk in Facebook.
“Verification of the data included in the electronic Declaration for 2015 found above the state over the total number received by the person income of $ 72.9 million hryvnia, which led to failure to pay taxes and fees in the amount of 19,6 million UAH”, – stated in the message.
It is noted that given the status of people’s Deputy, the audit materials sent to the GPU for the solution of a question concerning initiation of criminal proceedings on the facts of the probable illicit enrichment and tax evasion in especially large sizes.
Recall Vilkul has declared the receipt of a gift by $ 25 million, and income by more than 52 million hryvnias. This is stated in the changes in property status that Vilkul introduced on 19 November to the system of electronic declarations. Gift and income Vilkul has received from his wife Helena.
Yes, the gift was $ 25 million 848 thousand 668 USD. According to the document, Vilkul also received from his wife the transfer of funds under the contract №1934 from 11.07.2016 in the amount of 52 million 455 thousand 350 hryvnias.
On different accounts wife Vilkul for 2015 was provided over 3 million dollars, just over 190 thousand UAH. In addition, the wife Vilkul has declared a cash 1 million 800 thousand euros and 1 million 200 thousand dollars.
The Declaration States that the place of work wife Vilkul is PJSC “Northern Mining and Processing Plant”, which belongs to Metinvest (the owners Rinat Akhmetov and Vadim Novinsky).