The military suspected of killing kontraktnitsy Morozova, arrested

The military Prosecutor’s office had not considered the version of the death of 23-year-old kontraktnitsy Hope Morozova from the fire. About this TSN said Prosecutor Andrew Gogan, who originally engaged in this business.
The investigation is considering three versions of the death of the military: suicide, homicide and careless handling of weapons. However, after examining all the circumstances, rejected the version of suicide. That the death resulted from careless handling of weapons, and witnesses say.
Videots learned the details of death in advanced military Hopes Morozova
TSN. 16:45
Today, 17:00
“It is established that one of his colleagues Morozova, breaking the rules of handling weapons, which led to the death of the citizen Morozova. During the investigation of criminal proceedings, the person charged with suspicion of committing a criminal offense under part 2 of article 414 of the criminal responsibility for which provides till 10 years of imprisonment. Also the measure of restraint in form of arrest in a military unit. This is a young man at the age of 20 years. Checks the version of a premeditated murder Morozova,” – said the military Prosecutor Andrei Gogan.
Earlier it was reported that Nadezhda Morozova died on June 26. The first version of her death called an enemy shelling near Volnovakha. However, TSN became aware that her death is a suspect colleague. The girl served in the 59th brigade under the contract. She left a small son. Morozov was buried in his native village, the Window of the Odessa region, where in honor of the deceased was going to name a street.
By TSN correspondent Natalia Nagornaya