Putin, Panin and naked girls. Nick made a photoshop battle because of the empty chair at the G20 summit

The Network has started a photoshop battle for photos of politicians which has been made during the G20 summit.
We are talking about the picture, which was photographed, in particular, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Turkish President Rejep Tayyip Erdogan and the leader of the United States Donald trump. Politicians are actively discussing something, lurking around an empty chair.
One of the first, apparently, this photo was noticed by the famous Russian promoter Vladimir Solovyov, who posted on his Twitter page otvetstvennyy photo with Vladimir Putin.
See also:
Hugs, glances and kisses. In Hamburg flocked the representatives of the “Big twenty”
This substitution has caused indignation of users who started to make fun of Solovyov and publish other variations of photography.
By the way, the promoter quickly deleted the message from your page.
our propagondon with his fake appeared on the pages of early European Newspapers pic.twitter.com/ONF2PDzxoU
— disintegration and disrespect (@VictorKvert2008) 9 Jul 2017
He also wants to sit, only heels will be removed. pic.twitter.com/yagRjV9XWg
Love Zapadoceska (@LZapodolsky) 9 Jul 2017
Original pic.twitter.com/91ABsQmKcv
— Team of ZinaPortnova (@Zn_Portnova) 9 Jul 2017
— Bob, Barabanenkov (@baraban040867) 9 Jul 2017
zapolirovat topic pic.twitter.com/cgqg1c6PIb
—(@OraclePigFuntik) 9 Jul 2017
here’s proof pic.twitter.com/trzxqGdMr2
Sash Noggano (@SanyaNoggano) 9 Jul 2017