Instruction for passengers: Ryanair explained to the Ukrainians what to do with tickets

Ryanair sent out to everyone who bought tickets, a letter with detailed instructions.
About it writes the Economic truth.
According to the instructions, the passenger has two options: to receive full compensation of money for tickets or rebook to other flights at the nearest airport.
If the client does not find an alternative flight, the ticket money will be reimbursed within 21 days.
See also:
The UIA responded to the accusations in the output of the low-cost airline Ryanair from Ukraine
Videotoaster Ryanair will not work in Ukraine
TSN. 12:00
Today, 12:47
“Rainer sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience caused by the cancellation of flights”, – is spoken in the message.
We will remind, on Monday, July 10, Ryanair announced its withdrawal from Ukraine , despite prisoner in March, a contract and agreement with the airport “Borispol”. According to the company, it is breach of agreement and cause the cancellation of the ward.
Airport Director, in turn, took responsibility for the failure of the agreement with the airport. According to him, the Irish company longed for conditions that violate the Ukrainian laws and business laws. So, Ryanair wanted for yourself free of air navigation in Ukraine, free check-in counters in the terminals, free space for your home office and office for the sale of tickets and the rights to build a hotel at the airport – just 14 points requirements. The last of which – any disputes would be resolved by British courts.
We will note, the Minister of infrastructure Vladimir Omelian going July 12 to submit for consideration of the Cabinet submission about dismissal of the General Director of International airport “Borispol” Paul Ryabikina.