Girls, the gospel and the good mood: the deputies admitted that he would take with him to jail

On the occasion of the vote for removal of immunity and the prosecution of several MPs, journalists asked the deputies, what clothing they wished to take with him to jail on house arrest. The answers were very different, says the story TSN.19:30.
“Spoon. In jail mobile phones is prohibited, but not hurt”, – says Igor Lutsenko. “When I was sitting in the guardhouse for 15 days, I will say that, in principle, it is cold”, – the MP said Tretyakov. But the idea to name five things that are needed to deputies in the jail, frightened recoiled. “I don’t even want to think about it! Lord, save and protect”, – he said. The religious theme continued opposition Novinsky. “Prayer, the gospel, and maybe some kind of icon,” he says. And the offer to take up arms refuses – says it’s better to act good word.
Videosuna brush and beautiful girls: deputies called things that would have taken to jail
TSN. 19:30
11 Jul, 20:07
Earthly pleasures, unlike the colleagues on fraction, concerned one of the defendants in representations of the GPU Mikhail Dobkin. He said that he’d take to the camera very young journalist. On the question of what would have taken another, he replied: “Another one”. More serious was configured with another person involved in cases of withdrawal of immunity is excluded before from the bloc of Petro Poroshenko Boryslav Rozenblat. “Toothbrush, fresh underwear and a good mood” he said and added that mentally ready to arrest and to flee abroad is not going to.
MP Berezenko remembered the Cup of Yuriy Lutsenko and noted that it might be a useful thing in prison life. Cermakova decided that’d take drugs, and Ostrikova cream, shampoo and cosmetics, because a woman always needs to look good. “I think of the book. MPs need to read,” replied Moore. Emets and even elaborated on what literature should pay attention. “To jail, we must prepare carefully read the penal code,” he advised.