Holodnitsky opened two cases against Lutsenko’s statements Lyashko

Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office began investigation in accordance with the statements of the leader of the faction of the Radical party, Oleg Lyashko. He accused the General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko in tax evasion, reports UNIAN.
“SAP has responded to statements by the leader of the Radical party, which he made during the hearing of the petition. And we brought in eRDR his two appeals on initiation of criminal proceedings for the facts, which were announced”, – said the head of the anticorruption body Nazar Golodnitsky. According to him, the statement Lyashko was considered, the case is open and the investigation has already begun.
In addition, Golodnitsky noted that SAP is not closed the case against people’s Deputy from the Radical party Andrei Lozovoy that today in the session hall, stated MP himself. As reported, the Parliament has not allowed to involve he is accountable for the performance of the GPU on failure to pay MP taxes.
Videobr didn’t have the votes to strip the immunity of MPs of Dade and Lozovoy
TSN. 19:30
July 11, 20:06