Housing prices in the regional centers “catching up” capital. Overview of the real estate market

Apartments remain the most expensive in Kiev. However, the price of capital approaches the largest regional centres. Housing in Kiev on the secondary market at 30% more expensive than in the regions. And the primary on 13-20%. A smaller difference in the primary market explain the fact that in the capital have set up a lot of property that can’t sell. And therefore keep prices down.
The market for residential real estate in major regional centers – Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odessa and Lviv is stable, rising or falling sales do not watch. This writes Лига.net.
Average housing prices in Kiev and major regional centers, $/sq m*
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In the capital on sale about 57 thousand apartments. Last year sold a total of 5.2 thousand, says the consultant of the City Development Solutions novel ends.
“Most of the proposals does not suit a potential buyer, which leads to further accumulation of unsold apartments and overload the primary real estate market”, – the expert explains.
All this makes developers not only to control prices, but to give potential buyers additional discounts. During a full charge they can reach 20%.
Before the crisis real estate prices in Kiev and major regional centers differed by about a third. Now, this difference persists only for the secondary market, the primary market it was reduced. For example, in Lviv and Odessa real estate cheaper on average only 13%.
See also:
In the autumn in large cities is significantly more expensive rent
Here tend to buy apartments that are no more than 50 thousand dollars. For example, single room is 25 square meters on the outskirts of the city will cost 17 thousand dollars. Housing prices in new buildings start at $ 550 per square meter on the outskirts and from 780-1000 dollars in areas close to the city centre.
“Apartments in the historical center of Kiev to buy, or who themselves often come to the city, or rent housing to rent to tourists,” – said the Director of the Lviv real estate “estate-Exclusive” Elena Misanchuk.
Rent one-room apartment starts from 500 UAH per day. For the holidays, as a rule, the cost increases twice.
Over the past six months apartment in the city fell by 10-15%. Housing near the coast now mostly buy local. Local – cheaper real estate.
One-bedroom apartment in an old house in a remote area of Odessa can now be bought for 25 thousand dollars, apartments in new buildings cost on average $ 700 per square meter.
Odessa real estate market has its own characteristics. Apartments and houses in the city massively sell the Russians are willing to get rid of the housing, even after losing a lot of money, says the Director of the branch of real estate Agency “Alexander-N” Alexander Krasotu. Gives an example of how a townhouse with a large terrace and sea views at the eighth station of Big fountain. Before the crisis, 2014, the owner bought their home for $ 1 million and is now trying to sell for 350 thousand dollars.
“The queue of potential buyers is not worth it,” says Krasotu.
The similar situation is characteristic and for other premium-class, which was popular among affluent Russians.
The cheapest dormitory area of 27 sq m can be bought for 13 thousand dollars in the outskirt of the city of Khartsyzsk pipe and Rogan. Studio 33 sq m in the area of metro station “Student’s” worth 27 thousand dollars. To rent such apartments for 4-4,5 thousand UAH per month, excluding utility costs.
One bedroom apartment on the outskirts of 20-25 thousand dollars, and near the metro station – from 30 thousand dollars depending on proximity to the center.
Sellers of apartments EN masse using a simple rule: first increase the price of the apartment for 1-2 thousand dollars, and then give customers a discount on the same sum.
“The city has many students for whom often buy apartments,” – says the Director of the Kharkov real estate Agency “Dukat” Stanislav Dmitrichenko.
In the river apartments are bought mainly in new buildings. Almost all the apartments in under construction houses of economy class is sold out even before entering the house in operation. The Director of real estate Agency “Avangard” Yaroslav zaderey.
“The proposal is growing. Now in the river the construction of 55 new houses, whereas a year ago – 35,” says zaderey.
The average price for apartments is $ 650 per “square”. The cheapest dormitory on the outskirts of the city in the secondary market can buy 12-13 thousand dollars. Full one-bedroom apartment will cost in 20-21 thousand dollars, two 27 thousand dollars, three – 30 thousand dollars.