The trip abroad and the family: Klitschko told where and how to celebrate his 46th birthday

Mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko, who on July 19 marks 46 years, is going to celebrate his birthday in Canada.
He told this to the correspondent of TSN Valerie Rudenko during the wire carolinesas Ukrainian team in Kiev, Poshtova square on July 14.
“It so happened that my children are in summer camp in Canada – “boy scout camp” and for many years this birthday – parents day. So I will go visit children and in a narrow circle will celebrate his birthday”, – said Klitschko.
He also added that a summer camp coming with his wife Natalia.
See also:
The wife of the mayor of Kiev Klitschko panettiere along with satisfied with duet performances
On the question of what gift he wants on holiday, Klitschko said:
“The best gift is the kisses of my children. I have everything. And, you know, to dream about some material values makes no sense, I can afford anything. Very important is the attention of children, family, friends is most important,” he said.
The mayor also noted that for the period of the birthday takes 7 days.
Videokarty, Jamal and Klitschko came to a festive barbecue at the U.S. Embassy
Snidanok 1+1
5 Jul, 09:11
“Your birthday… I went to him to have this attitude – it’s more for my parents, and to your birthday, I congratulate mother and tell her “thank you” for the fact that I have the opportunity to be in this world,” – said Klitschko.
The politician, also noted that there is nothing more to your holiday plans and not proud of the updates in Kiev.
“No events will not, in General no, but in Kiev, the best gift for me when it’s okay. Now checked Povitroflotskyi Avenue, and I am confident that I can be proud of this prospectus. We are now repairing the metro Nyvky – is repair, it is good that now we are in new Post office square, which was commissioned in the spring of this year”, – said Klitschko.
“We will soon open zoo is the best gifts. I want to live in a modern European city – the city of Kiev – and this is the best gift for me and for those people who live and who comes to visit us”, – summed up the politician.
Recall that the brother of the mayor of Kiev Vladimir Klitschko together with Oksana Marchenko became the godfather of the daughter of Mary Nestor Shufrych.