Set fire to the grass burning locomotive: the commander revealed details of the battle of Zaitsev, which killed a young soldier

Two Ukrainian military, the country lost last night in the ATO: one soldier received a bullet wound, another got a splinter. One of the guys knew the journalists personally, this is Zoltan Balazs – assistant commander of a combat vehicle, who was killed in the battle Zaitsev, says the story TSN.19:30.
Balázs fought in the Sand along with the commander Eduard, nicknamed “the Major.” So still hard to believe that I lost my friend, because at that point the fight is almost stopped. “We started watching the news, he walked away, was completely in armor, in the trench, the shrapnel caught up in the heart,” said the commander.
Video surveillance front, killed 2 Ukrainian soldiers
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:36
The Zoltan was 22, the same wife, their daughter only 2 years old. “The kid is fighting behind not hiding, has always been ahead,” characterizes the victim of “Major”. Edward in the same battle suffered a slight injury. He says that such intensity was not Zaitzevia in the last few weeks – heavy fire did not stop all night. “We started to shoot at us tracers, to set fire to the grass. Burned the grass began to burn strong points – fire has allowed access”, – told about his fight night party.
Aggravation in zaytsevo associated with provocation on the eve of visit in the area, leaders of the OSCE. No special occasion daily suffering and Avdeevka – the wounded are local residents, there is a hit to the private sector. Fragmental wounds the local people have experienced when they returned home from the garden. Alexander and Yuri survived, but are in the local hospital. Say, security never felt, but someone has to look after the farm to care for birds. In spite of everything, to leave home will not take, because I believe that soon exhausted by the war, the earth still will return to the world.
The TSN reporter Eugene Zvecanska