The GPU is still applied for the extradition of militant “DNR”, who killed 16-year-old schoolboy

General Prosecutor’s office still has not filed the documents for extradition from the Crimea militants “DNR” Vadim Pogodin, who organized the murder of a 16-year-old schoolboy Stepan Chubenko.
About this on his page in Facebook said the mother of a teenager shot by Stalin Chubenko.
According to her, 10 days expires the period of administrative detention Pogodin, and it can be free.
“I believe that the problem is that an official request to the GPU doesn’t know what to call the occupation authorities of the Crimea, to which we must turn. But I’m sure it can’t be the reason to the work done by the investigators, were in vain, and justice had not been done,” said Stalin Chubenko.
See also:
Moldova gave Ukraine the 28-year-old accomplice of militants “LNR”
The mother of murdered schoolboy promised that if during the day the GPU will not produce the necessary actions for the extradition Pogodin, she will appeal to the Ukrainian and foreign media and will start a protest at the walls of the GPU.
Open letter I, Chubenko V. Stalin, mother brutally tortured and shot by the militia bandformirovanij…
Posted by Stalino Chubenko on July 19 2017 R.
We will remind, 16-year-old Stepan Chubenko has gone missing on 23 July 2014 at the railway station in Donetsk, after it arrived from Kiev on the way to Kramatorsk. On 6 October, it was found the body of Stephen, which identified the mother.
Pre-trial investigation established that on 28 July 2014, three residents of Donetsk region in the village Gorbachevo-Mikhaylovka Proletarsky district of Donetsk, firearms killed a young man. Was named the suspects in the murder – Yuri Moskalev, Maxim and Vadim Sukhomlinov Pogodin.
Pogodin seriali 20 June in Yalta, the decision of the court arrested him for 40 days. The Russian authorities in accordance with agreements with Interpol, launched the procedure for the preparation of the fighter to extradition to Ukraine, where he faces life imprisonment.