The head of “Ukravtodor” told about the plans of building the first toll road in Ukraine

Ukraine still has not found an investor for the construction of the first toll road Lviv – Krakovets (village of Yavoriv district on the border with Poland). Also haven’t changed the legislation for the introduction of road concessions – when the road is building a private investor, maintains it, repairs it, takes the fare, and after 49 years of renting this way will depart in the property of the state.
“We have two proposals for road construction on a concession basis. First, it is very important to the economy of the country – part of international corridor Highway Go – road Krakovets – Lviv. It could be the first concession motorway in Ukraine. But for the project have yet to change the law on concessions”, – said the head of the State Agency of highways of Ukraine (“Ukravtodor”) Slawomir Novak, quoted by “Interfax-Ukraine”.
The second proposal is the construction of a new motorway Kiev – White Church. This road has exhausted its capacity and could not provide the traffic that is constantly increasing in this direction. The new road will help to solve this problem.
“An important condition for the implementation of the concession for the construction of roads, traffic intensity is not less than 18 thousand vehicles per day of paid traffic. Only then will be able to attract Bank resources to Finance such a project,” said Novak.
Recall the construction and operation of the road Lviv – Krakovets length of 84.4 per km is a pilot concession project in Ukraine. Construction of roads through public-private partnerships (concessions) provides for the return of the investment to the concessionaire due to the collection of tolls and fees for access to and exploitation of objects of road service, roadside infrastructure, advertising, logistics centers, modern communication lines along the road.
The approximate construction period of this road will be four or five years. Funding at 100% would attract a private investor. The term of the concession to 49 years. Lifetime – 45 years. The concessionaire will be responsible for the construction, maintenance, repair of the road. Category of the proposed road to four lanes – 1-A. the Estimated speed – 120 km/h.
In may 2015 “Ukravtodor” declared the concession tender for the construction of the road Lviv – Krakovets. However, in September of the same year the interdepartmental tender Commission denied the applications of both applicants – Ukrainian consortium “Concession transport trunks” and the French Bouygues. In “Ukravtodor” explained that these companies have insufficient funds to implement the project.