The NBU has revoked the license of an audit company for the “wrong” check “PrivatBank”

The national Bank of Ukraine was excluded from the Register of auditors of banks the company “PricewaterhouseCoopers (audit)”.
The corresponding decision on 20 July was made by the Board of the national Bank for circulation of Committee on questions of audit of banks of Ukraine.
See also:
NABU explained the reasons for the search in “PrivatBank”
The basis for this decision was the “wrong” check “PrivatBank”. According to the NBU, LLC “PricewaterhouseCoopers (audit)” provided false information about financial and economic activities of “PrivatBank”, in particular, with respect to credit exposure and regulatory capital.
“Insights LLC “PricewaterhouseCoopers (audit)” did not reflect the real risks of PJSC CB “PrivatBank”, which became a reason for declaring the Bank insolvent, its nationalization and substantial expenditures for the capitalization”, – stated in the message.
See also:
The NBU Council called the actions of the regulator on the nationalization of “PrivatBank” belated
We will remind, the Prosecutor General’s office opened a criminal case for incitement of “PrivatBank” to bankruptcy. On 4 July at a farewell press conference said the Chairman of the Board of the now state of “PrivatBank” Oleksandr Shlapak, who several days ago announced his retirement from this position. About it writes “Economic truth”.
“Today the Prosecutor General’s office provided us data has opened several criminal cases under articles 218 and 220 of the Criminal code, namely, the bringing the Bank into bankruptcy,” – said Shlapak.
Exactly who appear in criminal matters, the head of “PrivatBank” he said. Shlapak said that 97% of the loan portfolio of a commercial “PrivatBank” were related entities. 223 the customers gave 198,4 billion.
Videolibrary audit showed a large number of problem loans “PrivatBank”
TSN. 19:30
4 Jul, 20:49