The largest Ukrainian state-owned Bank was left without a leader

Today, July 21, Oleksandr Shlapak no longer perform the duties of Chairman of the state Board of “PrivatBank”. Yesterday the Supervisory Board approved his resignation.
To perform the duties of the head of the financial institution is a member of the Board of “PrivatBank” Galina pahachuk.
Dismissal Shlapak became known on 26 June.
“Chairman of the Board of “PrivatBank” Oleksandr Shlapak has fulfilled in full measure the tasks to stabilize the situation in the Bank and audit reports of the financial condition of “PrivatBank” and soon plans to complete the anti-crisis term on a post of the Chairman of the Board PJSC CB “PrivatBank”, – said in a statement.
The search for a new Chairman of the Board of “PrivatBank” and its first Deputy involved in the company on the selection of managerial staff Amrop Executive Search Ukraine.
We will remind, “Privat” was nationalized at the end of December 2016. Now the Bank is 100% owned by the state and subordinated to the Ministry of Finance. Meanwhile, the former owners are challenging the nationalization of “PrivatBank” in court. Lawyers say that one of the reasons of return of the enterprises in state property, it was stated by the national Bank the number of credits issued to certain persons, but the cause is still not confirmed.
Galina pahachuk will serve as Chairman of the Board of “PrivatBank”
Videolibrary audit showed a large number of problem loans “PrivatBank”
TSN. 19:30
4 Jul, 20:49