In Kiev to buy a watermelon and not to poison the tips of TSN

In Ukraine a month earlier than usual, started the season of watermelons. Berries began to appear at markets, in supermarkets and on roadside stalls, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Dimitri frost startled even at the mention of watermelons. Four years ago, his family struck out from the life that loved so much, because of seasonal berries paid three days in bed, pounds of pills and dozens of liters of water you drink. The risk of health more not ready. “Actually, I was on the verge of life and death, couldn’t even go to the hospital to see a doctor – I had been so bad. I couldn’t open the door,” recalls the man who is now looking for 100% reliable way to buy a watermelon, not to be poisonous.
Videonale season: doctors do not recommend to start eating watermelon
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:43
The journalists decided to use the eco-tester. This device can apply the content of harmful substances in the air and water, as well as to inspect the watermelon for nitrates. It is calibrated in accordance with international standards for watermelons permissible dose is 60 mg/kg. Purchased at the market 6-pound watermelon showed a smaller number, so one can enjoy it. The sellers themselves don’t have testers – assigned to the lab and on your own body. “This is a normal time, this year’s hot summer, they matured early. You can safely eat them and not be afraid,” they say.
Spontaneous trade on the side of the road also is not afraid of tests. Doctors recommend buying watermelons up to 7 kilos – are safe. And one of the largest showed a figure of less than 30 – that is twice below the limit indicator. Buyers at this point more than the market, and compliance documents they don’t ask. “They are not the first here. People often take, we are here to take. Rely on reputation,” say the buyers.