In St. Petersburg on the river swam “the best years”

July 26 at the river Karpovka girl in the red dress floated in the surf, which stretched the letter, composed in the phrase “the Best years”. Writes about this Bird in Flight.
An unusual event was a performance of street artist Vladimir ABiH “the Best years”.
See also:
A famous artist painted a mural with the sea in Kiev and fell in love with the Ukrainian capital
According to the artist, it makes no sense to explain the work.
“Because everything is clear: time passes, years pass, and most importantly – they’re here now,” he said.
Letters sailed past the Botanical gardens and the Medical University named Pavlov. July 29 “swim” again.
We will remind, during the winter in St. Petersburg, the two adventurers arranged a snowboarding right in the middle of the roadway.