Saakashvili recalled the experience of the service of the Ukrainian border guard and made a joke about living in “Borispol”

Deprived of Ukrainian citizenship by the former head of Odessa regional state administration, Mikheil Saakashvili said that while the Ukrainian passport is with him.
This he told in an interview to “the Ukrainian truth”.
He added that his wife is Dutch and he is automatically entitled to Dutch citizenship, because they have for so many years.
“My children with Georgian passports also have a Dutch passport. This problem I have. But I deliberately have not done and will not do” – said Saakashvili.
He even joked about where to live before.
“I will live in the transit zone of the airport “Borispol”. There is a good repair, my friend it’s the Director. I hope that he will find me there hiding place. It was a joke, but I’ll find opportunities. There is no such control as they think. I have many in the Ukrainian service. I am a former Ukrainian border guard (he served in the PRCS Chop in 1986 – ed),” – said Saakashvili.
See also:
The border guards explained why I plan not to miss Saakashvili in Ukraine
Videodemonstration President has officially confirmed the deprivation of Saakashvili Ukrainian citizenship
TSN. 19:30
27 Jul, 20:56
He also recalled that, given the army years, College years and living in Kiev, somewhere in the 12 years he lived in Ukraine.
We will remind, the President Petro Poroshenko, Saakashvili was deprived of the citizenship of Ukraine based on the recommendations of the Commission on citizenship issues under the President of Ukraine. This was reported in the presidential Administration.
Saakashvili himself said that it wants to make to refugee status, but he is going to pursue the legitimate right to return to Ukraine”.