In Kiev the Director of the Foundation had stolen the money for the repair of children’s homes and boarding schools

In Kiev for stealing money from the budget was condemned by the Director of the Foundation.
About it reported in a press-service of capital Prosecutor’s office.
“With the participation of Kyiv local Prosecutor’s office No. 2 of the Darnitsa district court of Kiev declared the conviction to the Director of children’s Charity Fund, which for their own selfish purposes, took control of funds of the Fund”, – stated in the message.
As found by investigators, Director of the Foundation listed nearly 40 thousand UAH, provided by the charity organization for the repair of orphanages and boarding schools on a bogus enterprise, and then they appropriated.
Currently, the official was sentenced to one year of restriction of freedom with deprivation of the right to hold the positions connected with performance organizationally-administrative and is administrative-economic duties at enterprises, institutions, organizations, irrespective of forms of ownership.
Besides, the condemned should compensate the damage in full.
We will remind, earlier in Ukraine have exposed the theft of more than 22 million hryvnia, allocated for rehabilitation of ATO participants. After the exposure of the criminal scheme, the Ministry plans to amend the laws on the use of funds for social protection of the Volunteers.