Ukrainian watermelons have risen in price almost twice

Farmers almost twice increased the selling price for watermelons. It happened last week.

A week ago the watermelon farms of Kherson region cost 0,7-0,9 UAH per kilogram. And today the Kherson farmers offer these berries are not less than 1,2-1,3 UAH per kilo in cash. And non-cash – price comes to 1.4 to 1.7 UAH per kilogram. About it reports “info-SHUVAR”.

This is the first significant price increase since the beginning of watermelon season. In the past six weeks prices have only decreased.

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Experts explain that the farms of the Kherson region end early melons and late has not yet matured in sufficient quantity, so the market demand exceeds the supply. This, in turn, provokes a rise in prices. In addition, the heat contributed to a revival of retail sales, because on hot days watermelon is sold best.

In the wholesale markets, the rising cost is still negligible. Remains of watermelons at the largest wholesale markets of Ukraine sellers offer 1.2-3 UAH/kg . In the market of “Unexpected” in the Kherson region the watermelon can be bought at 1,2-1,5 UAH/kg, on the Lviv “SHUVAR”, 2.5-3 UAH/kg, on the “Capital” in Kiev – 1,8-2,8 UAH/kg.

Videointernet facts about watermelon

Snidanok 1+1

Today, 12:35

Meanwhile in Kyiv from Kherson swam barge with 250 tons of watermelons.

