In Kiev can’t sell more than 76 thousand apartments in new buildings
In the capital market of real estate offer to 76.5 thousand apartments in the primary market. And their number is constantly increasing. One square meter one-bedroom apartment costs an average of $ 806, two 796 USD, three – room- 892 USD. That is a small apartment in 30 “squares” will cost half a million hryvnias.
In the first half of this year the market of unsold new apartments has increased by 20.7 thousand. And sold for only six months 1110 dwellings in new buildings. These are the results of the study the primary real estate market of Kiev for June 2017, held by analysts portal real estate search together with experts from the real estate Agency ARPA Real Estate. This writes
Experts say that the accumulation of primary real estate in the capital market will only increase. Because people have no money to buy a house. If you buy, then basically at the price to 30 thousand dollars.
Recall that soon will increase the cost of rental housing in major cities.
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