In the US people are scared of the decapitated “body” on the porch of the private facilities

Law enforcement officers to Greene County of the U.S. state of Tennessee has received many calls with the notification about the man crushed by the garage door. However, the police urged not to call 911 on the line, because the “corpse” was a dummy.

Appropriate post press-service of the Department has published on his page in Facebook.

The police claim that he had received a lot of calls about “a man who lies at the entrance to the garage with bloody fingerprints on the door.”

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The walking dead. The media in Britain have removed a private burial in the grave

As it turned out, the “victim” was a decoration for Halloween, which the home owners have set in advance. However, it was so realistic that people massively started to call the police.

Militiamen found out that it was only stuffed with straw Scarecrow, therefore, urged citizens not to worry in vain.

“ATTENTION ALL! For those passing on the highway Chucky pike in the County of green: IT GELOSO SCENERY. Don’T call 911 with reports of a dead body. Better congratulate the home owner with a wonderful song,” reads the page in Facebook.

ATTENTION EVERYONE!!! For those of you driving on Chuckey Pike in Greene County: THIS IS A HALLOWEEN DECORATION! Do…

Published Greene County TN Sheriff’s Department September 20, 2017.

The post has provoked a lot of discussion of Internet users.

“Hello to those who made something so realistic,” “Imagine how this protects from thieves?”, “Wow! It is really impressive!”, – expressed their surprise at the part of the users.

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The violin played close to Kremlin pranker Vova

But such draw will not please everyone. One user wrote: “What a spectacle for young children!!!!!”, and another called it a manifestation of bad taste.

Earlier it was reported that an elderly woman named Marietta Spencer from the American city of South bend for the camera shot drawing of your husband. Funny grandmother promised to show my husband the “magic trick” – to make the penny from the table got into the bottle of water. However, the woman was an experienced princeray.

