Groisman outraged MPs who did not support pension reform

The head of government, Vladimir Groisman said that the MPs who yesterday, October 3, did not support the pension reformshowed their “primitive and ineffective”.
He said this at a government meeting, UNIAN reports.
“I don’t understand all those who did not vote for pension reform. I understand the 288 deputies who have ensured that we have acquired reform became a reality. How to look people in the eyes of politics and politicians, who, instead of stepping on the throat of his populist ambitions, and maintain a solution that will improve the lives of people who are unable to do so, showing their primitiveness, failure and inability to make state decisions,” – said Groisman.
He stressed that the Parliament adopted the reform is a balanced solution that will improve the quality of life of pensioners.
See also:
Groisman told how many retirees will take the pension on more than 1 thousand UAH
We will remind, yesterday the Verkhovna Rada approved the bill, which runs the pension reform and needs to create a fair system of pension insurance. For the adoption of document No. 6614 second reading and in General voted 288 deputies from 346 in the audience. Against voted 8 deputies, 23 decided to abstain. Meanwhile not voted for a historic document 27 deputies.
The bill restores the differentiation of pensions depending on the received income and insurance experience. In addition, must be a renegotiation of the allocation (indexing) pensions, and the annual recalculation of pensions by increasing the average wage.
After the adoption of the laws on pension reform , the minimum pension in Ukraine will increase by 11% (140 UAH) – from the current 1312 1452 UAH to UAH for those who have sufficient insurance experience. In case of acceptance by deputies of the pension reform from 1 October for appointment and recalculation of pensions applies a living wage stipulated by the state budget on December 1, 2017. That is, from October 1, the subsistence minimum for retirees who have full insurance will be 1452 UAH.
Video first of October in Ukraine will increase the minimum pension
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Today, 08:07