The NBU has simplified the procedure for opening Bank accounts and canceled the obligation of the seals

Henceforth, 31 October, Ukrainians made easier to open accounts in banks and use their cashless account.
The national Bank abolished the mandatory use of seals on documents and allowed to conclude a contract on opening of account in electronic form. Customers who already have Bank accounts, can open a new without the personal presence, and the documents submitted with the help of telecommunication systems.
“Permitted contracts about opening of Bank accounts and Bank Deposit in electronic form, in particular, by attaching the client to a public offer contract. Entitled customers who already have Bank accounts, the opening of the following accounts in this Bank without personal presence, by the filing of documents by means of informational, telecommunication, informational-telecommunication systems. Provides for the assignment of rights to the Bank Deposit agreement. New regulations regarding the use, during operations for the account of an individual sample of his signatures or a trusted person specified in the Bank account agreement/Bank Deposit agreement/power of attorney or other document specified by the internal regulations of the Bank”, – noted in the NBU.
Also established the procedure to open and use current accounts of natural persons, civil capacity is limited. Agreed on the procedure of opening by physical persons-entrepreneurs current accounts of natural persons for the implementation of certain types of salaries and similar payments. Improved mode of operation current accounts customers, including, in part of payment related to the business trip.
The national Bank of Ukraine
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