Why Ukrainians “unjustly” increased pensions and spetspensionerov receive allowances

It has been exactly a month since October 1, in Ukraine increased pensions. Restated social benefits received more than nine million Ukrainians. Now the amount of the pension will be considered on the basis of the average wage in 3764 UAH.
This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.
A significant increase was received by those Ukrainians who went into retirement until 2008. At the same time, many retirees raising was not happy. Despite the large working experience, many Ukrainians received a small allowance.
From Kiev Natalia was miserable pension increase – 22 UAH. The woman retired in 2009, having work experience of 34 years.
“I was expecting more, because to live on this money”, – complains a woman.
And there are people in the Ukraine a lot. Branch of the Pension Fund today is full of “offended” seniors who don’t understand why they received a small pension increase, or not received at all.
Pension Fund explained that the largest increase was received by those Ukrainians who retired before 2008. Because the pension they were listed at a lower average wage than the current – 3764 UAH.
“If the pension is appointed before 2008, the figure 1197,91. And the closer to the present day, the higher the rate that applies when calculating pensions. And if we replaced the exponent, for example, 2308,70 on a single 3764,40, respectively, it also influenced what the size of the increase received people.”
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Snidanok 1+1
Today, 09:47
Didn’t get promotion the owners of the pension, which was administered by special laws, and those people who retired in recent years.
“Because retirement has considered with increased 3764,40 multiplied by the duration of insurance and individual wages”.
However, holders of special pensions, which is, for example, scientists and civil servants, have the opportunity to go to an ordinary retirement pension and still get a premium. This opportunity provides for reform. And some of it is already used. Former civil servant Basil had a special retirement, but changed it to labor. Because it is higher.
“General, a little higher than I had as a public servant. For the pensioner already has a value there 500, or 600, or 1000. But that was more necessary”.
When will the next increase of pensions, the Pension Fund is not yet know. They say everything depends on when the government will increase social standards, i.e. the average wage.
Earlier the head of the Pension Fund explained why the “unfair” pension supplements differ in several times.
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